View of Erwin, TN
Location: Erwin, TN / Uncle Johnny's Hostel (342.2 miles)

I didn't sleep well at all last night; I'm not entirely sure why. The shelter was a little tight, but nothing we hadn't seen before. It did pour around 3 am, which was quite loud on the shelter's roof.

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Walking Trail
Location: No Business Knob Shelter (335.9 miles)

Today was our longest day yet, at 20.7 miles. Beast and I got an early start, around 8 am, hoping to make it to our optimistic destination today, No Business Knob Shelter, before possible rains began.

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300 Miles
Location: Hogback Ridge Shelter (315.2 miles)

Today got started early. Most of the shelter was awake before sunrise, and Beast and I were gone by 7:45, 45 minutes earlier than we usually manage to leave camp. Today featured long uphills that, on account of my cold, still sapped my energy, but I still managed to make it the 15.1 miles to Hogback Ridge Shelter, 5 miles short of our optimistic goal, but still in line with our original plan.

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Location: Jerry Cabin Shelter (300.1 miles)

I didn't sleep particularly well last night, and woke up rather stiff and with a scratchy throat (which started yesterday) and eyes that felt like they were bulging out of my head.

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View of Hot Springs
Location: Allen Gap (288.5 miles)

Off to an early start this morning, Beast and I left the Laughing Heart hostel around 6:45, loaded up on breakfast at a diner in town, and headed off on our five day hike to Erwin, TN.

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