Previously, On the Trail…

54.5 / 272.7 miles 20.0% VT 11/30 / Manchester Center / Green Mountain House
Friday, July 21, 2017 10:01 pm
Location: VT 11/30 / Manchester Center / Green Mountain House (54.5 miles)

Several years ago, my family went on a cruise to Alaska. One of the things I was looking forward to was being able to see the stars: I reasoned that since the ship would be a good distance offshore, light pollution would be minimal, and the stars would be out in all their brilliant majesty, with a full field of view from the horizon to the zenith, unobscured by trees, land, or buildings. Naturally, it was cloudy every night, so I saw nothing.

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Other Recent Posts

Saturday, September 9, 2017 7:11 pm

The Long Trail is the hardest trail I’ve hiked.

I expected the Long Trail’s southern portion — the 105 miles concurrent with the Appalachian Trail, which I hiked last year — to be hard, only because I was out of trail shape. By the time I got to the north (which I heard was “more rugged”), I’d be back in hiking shape, and the trail would be fine. After all, I’d survived the Whites, so how hard could it possibly be?

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Friday, August 11, 2017 11:30 pm
Location: Home

I had an alarm set for 6 am, which would give me enough time to get up, get packed, and continue just under a mile down the Journey’s End Trail to get picked up by a shuttle service and taken to Burlington. However, shortly before my alarm went off, I was awoken by the sound of rain. Fortunately, the rain didn’t last very long, and it had long since stopped by 6:45, when I began the last bit of hiking of my Long Trail thru-hike.

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View from Jay Peak
Thursday, August 10, 2017 7:29 pm
Location: Journey's End Camp (272.7 miles)

I did not manage to wake up early or get myself moving very quickly, and despite my desire to add a two-mile round-trip to Big Jay to the day's hike, did not actually leave Jay Camp until after 8 am. My bonus miles for the day would ultimately be limited to completing the Jay Loop Trail, a roughly three-quarter mile loop trail formed by the two entrances to Jay Camp and the Long Trail. I passed by Moe and Mugs as I closed the loop on the Long Trail.

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Location: Line Post 592: Northern Terminus of the Long Trail (272.7 miles)

Two hikes down, many more to go. At 4:12 pm, after 25 days of hiking from Williamstown, Massachusetts, I reached Line Post 592, on the border between the United States and Canada, completing my thru-hike of Vermont's Long Trail.

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