Location: 15 Minutes from Gainesville

Train ride was somewhat more comfortable than an airplane, although the much quieter ride meant that all the little sounds of everyone else, including the baby across the aisle crying until 1 am, and the kid in the seat behind me who picked up after him and alternately squealed and played a game with annoying popping noises, meant it wasn't all that easy to get a great sleep.

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Trying to Get Some Shut-eye
Location: Lynchburg, VA

Sure would be nice if they'd turn down the lights on the train.

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Location: Culpeper, VA

It's only 8pm, but I've a long day tomorrow, so I'm going to try and get some shut-eye. Also try and get myself to something resembling a solar sleep schedule, since efforts to do so at home utterly failed.

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Location: Union Station, DC

That didn't take long. Sitting here at the train station not even five minutes and another AT hiker came up to say hi. Guess the giant pack gave me away!

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Departure Imminent
Sunday, March 20, 2016 5:16 pm

Thanks for the great lunch, Andrew and Monica!

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