After our epic-length day yesterday, Quoi and I didn’t really want to get up early. But, with a big climb immediately after our campsite, we had to get going sooner, rather than later, before the sun got too high and made us miserable. Fortunately, it was warm overnight, and it didn’t take a lot of effort to get out of my sleeping bag and get moving.
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With a 23 mile plan for today, the morning started off relatively ordinarially. It didn’t end that way.
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After a nice night in a warm, comfy bed, Steven gave us a ride back to the trailhead (Thanks so much for your hospitality!), and Quoi and I started the eight-mile long climb up Sierra Butte at 7:30.
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With a one-pound cheeseburger calling our names in Sierra City, Quoi and I started hiking shortly after 6 am. With the day being almost all downhill, we expected to make pretty good time.
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Today is my 100th day on the trail. For the most part, it went well, and after yesterday’s detour to Truckee and resulting short day, Quoi and I returned to our newly-quickened pace, going a bit over 23 miles to a campsite more than halfway to the next town, Sierra City.
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